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Indian Coffee House : The place which brews nostalgia

Have you ever thought of a place where time stands still, a place which takes us back to the past... Well, ICH is one such place. It is infact a time machine for me. Every time I step into ICH,  I feel like I'm going back in time. Whether it be the  furnitures, the menu,  the white coffee cups and plates, the steel cutlery, the ice creams served in the steel bowls, everything reminds me of a vintage era. ICHs were (still are) the place where great intellects met to discuss politics, literature, cinema, music and what not. The walls of ICH would've witnessed the birth of many love stories, literary master pieces, political debates etc. The birth of the coffee houses dates back to 18th century in Madras and Calcutta. As India was under the British rule, the native Indians were not allowed into these coffee houses. During those times, Coffee houses were mostly European establishments. It was during the late 1890's, the Idea of "India Coffee House" was for...

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